Sunday, January 9, 2011

alright... you caught me, i miss you

Today is my first cry here. I just got off the phone with my sister and I miss her a lot.

I miss my friends too.

And people that I really love and care about.  Something just feels right about spending time with people you really love.

I have loved hair school and meeting new people and working and know that it is right that I am here for now. But it just feels good to cry my little eyes out and miss my peeps.  I am about to go to church with a friend though so it will be good to wipe my face and get off my tush.

I also think I am about to start my period so that's nice that I can blame it on that...  I think what triggered it all is I didn't sign a lease for my apartment and now it turns out that I have to and so that just makes it feel so much more permanent.  The fact that I might stay in Chicago after hair school made me weep! Hahaa I guess I just hadn't thought much about it.  But I know if that is what God wants it will be great...

Oh yeah, and I almost forgot I wanted to tell you guys... I just put a new battery in my electric toothbrush and man that kitty can purr!!


  1. I am so proud of you for being there and sticking it out even if it is hard at times. I know God loves you so mcuh and is not going to give up on you. Dont be intimiated by a lease... get all the info from the landlord on what it would look like if you broke it. Sometimes you just have to pay a months rent or something...
    You are doing a great job and I love you so much!!! XOXOXO

  2. haha oh coochie! i miss you tooooooo
    It's ok if you are crying and miss everyone even if you werent on your period.
    Don't worry though cooch, God is in such control. I know it, and He is just gettin started with you in chicagooo! there is so much more yet to come and I cant wait to here about it.

  3. Cooch! We miss you so much around here--it was just 3 short years ago when we were galavanting around campus in the snow waiting until breakfast at Love's started. Wow, how far we've come :) so proud of you and your ability to do what you want to do even when it's tough. Love you!
