Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I need answers, people

Here are a few questions I absolutely need answers to...

Why do stores give free shipping only on super expensive orders?? I know, I know it's to get you to spend more but if you are willing to spend that much on shopping why would you care about the extra five bucks for shipping??

What is proper public laundry room etiquette? Can you take people's clothes out of the washer and/or dryer or is that rude? If you take it out of the dryer are you expected to fold it? I barely do my own laundry and im supposed to fold my neighbors undies? That was not in the lease, no siree.

Why can boys just always eat carbs??

What about intelligent life on other planets?

Is it really bad to eat right before bed??

Why do girls think it's "cool" to tell their boyfriends they don't care about things when they are actually really sad about it?

How often should you wash a water bottle you use every day??

Start explaining peeps. To me, you all are experts!

1 comment:

  1. 1) You answered your own question: to get you to spend more money and have that money go to the vendor. Plus there's usually a range of weights which can be shipped for the same cost. It cuts down on the number of packages the place has to deal with/risk getting lost. Not to mention the psychological effect of "free shipping!" It sounds almost like you'd be willing to pay shipping on large orders, based on what you've said.. would you? If you're already spending 250 bucks, what's another 10? Well, it's another 10 bucks, that's what. Same concept behind buying in bulk, in a way...

    2) Take clothes out after a decent amount of time depending on the location. Super busy and not somewhere I might get stabbed, I might wait 10-15 minutes tops. Washer: I put them in a free dryer (if available), otherwise on the table. Then I leave a note (if I can) saying "Waited XX minutes, check the dryer). If I come back and they haven't started their clothes drying, I'm usually overly nice and will start it drying for them since mildew sucks. Dryer: goes on the table, they should have known, and it's already clean.

    3) Boys are primarily constructed from carbs, plus lots of exercise due to masturbation burns lots of calories.

    4) What about it? It likely exists given the number of planets out there.

    5) Define really bad, then search Google. In short, it isn't _good_, so try to eat no sooner than 2-3 hours before sleeping.

    6) I wish I knew (I'm a guy). I'm guessing because girls assume guys won't understand the emotions they feel and/or girls don't "want to be a nuisance" or something. It always drives me nuts, and it's a catch-22. Either I can keep asking and then be a nagging jerk, or let it go and be uncaring.

    7) What's to explain? They're actually a method of introducing mind control elements into humans, devised and executed by none other than the mighty Cthulhu. Be warned.
