Friday, November 5, 2010

I never go out...

People are blogging machines these days... I think its fun and I really enjoy reading what people I love have to say about life and things that are going on with them, so I'm sure there are lots of peeps out there dying to get in my head! haa. And as cheesy as it is I really do love that I have a voice and can be heard, that I live in a land where I am allowed to speak out and write what I want.  I would bust out in America the Beautiful except my roommate is sleeping.

I contemplated naming this blog "I Don't Go Out".  Mostly because I think it's a funny title, but I do love spending time with people and not always trying to go places and do things.  I love deep conversation and think there is certainly something to be said about just spending time chilling out instead of always having to entertain ourselves.  Who am I kidding though? Who doesn't love a fun adventure or something really fun to look forward to?  But sometimes I'm a little disappointed when plans work out.  Like, man, I could've sat here quietly by myself a bit longer.  What reminded me about this and why I am this way, is because of nights like tonight. I didn't have plans for tonight but me and two of my friends ended up going to the prayer chapel.  We were worshipping and the likes (I napped  on accident for the first hour) and before we left I really wanted us to pray for each other. I love calling out life in people through prayer and how the Spirit uses that. So anyways, we were praying for my one friend and it was insane how the Lord had so much to say about her and His love for her.  When the prayer  came to a close she was crying and said multiple times, "No one has ever prayed for me like that before."  I love that Jesus is interceding for her always, but  it just blew my mind that she had never experienced prayer like that before and that no one had ever done that for her.  I love though that it isn't the Lord holding out on her by any means but it just broke my heart that it seemed as though life had never really been spoken over her.  Thank you Jesus, that I never go out :)

It made me so excited for hair school and moving to Chicago because of how many people need to be prayed over.  I love that there is nothing I would've rather done with the night than prayed with her!  If we value the power of prayer and really believe that it is moving the Kingdom of God, than it seems to be such an injustice that some people have no one to pray for them.  I wonder if that is true or makes sense?  I would love your (probably just my mom reads this!! love ya mama) input or thoughts on this question!!


  1. great post!!! Cant wait to read more.

  2. I hate to say it but your info on the side makes you sound like you are 75

  3. id really like to be a follower, but i dont have a blog. so anyways. you gota lot to say coochie. i like that about you. you oughta write a book or somethin. it just flows. also, youre my best friend. also i think that it's great that you like to knit and do nothing. it's something we have in common.

  4. nevermind that. I am totally following your blog!

  5. Love it. Can't wait for the next post, Caro.
