Saturday, December 4, 2010

fears and television

Gosh, I love Saturday's!! I slept in. Have been chillin out and now I'm eating a burger (thanks Jules!).  It is nice living in a house as opposed to the dorm because I can just go downstairs in my p.j.'s and just hang out for a while.  This is the dream! I wish I was sorry I don't have more time to blog but I'm really not.  I do love it but sometimes life is just too crazy!!

My fears: One of my biggest fears is that I will miss out on all that God has for me.
That I will live my life without experiencing God to the extent that I could.
That I will not have constant joy in the future when hard things happen to me.
I am afraid that people won't take me seriously because I like fun and am different.
 I am afraid that I'll never get married, or that I will settle in who I marry.
I am afraid of driving in the snow and being bad at cutting hair.
I am scared I won't be able to pay my bills in Chicago.

It is so freeing to talk about my fears because as I write those I know that God is sovereign over all that and that I can trust Him with anything.  It is crazy how when we have fears or don't trust God with things then we try to take control of them.  For example, because I don't believe I am really loved by God, I try to manipulate my relationships and use people to feel loved. Or because I don't believe God will provide, I try to provide for myself, and live in fear that I won't be able to.  Gosh, there is so much freedom in knowing who God is and taking Him up on His promises.

On a more serious note, my favorite tv shows...

I have no time at school to watch TV but when I am home I do like watching it. I am so easily entertained, so it is important for me to be careful with what I watch and how much time I spend watching it.

I like reality shows because I think it is interesting to see other people's lives.  Even if they are half acting I am so fascinated by people's personalities.

I like shows that are funny and that I can laugh during.

I love watching football, especially on Sunday's with my dad!

I oftentimes get really attached to characters on movies and shows and will think about them and pray for them like I know them... its weird.

1 comment:

  1. chelsea lately and the kardashians....
    that's what i think of.

    and i like this post.
